Zeilenpräfix oder -suffix hinzufügen



What is this website for?

This website is primarily designed to add specific characters before and after given text. You can input text on the left, specify prefix and suffix characters, and obtain the processed text on the right.

How to add characters before and after text?

Enter the text you want to process in the left text box. Input the prefix and suffix characters in the designated input boxes, then click the "Add Text" button.

How to copy the processed text to the clipboard?

After the processed text is displayed in the right text box, click the "Copy to Clipboard" button to automatically copy the text to the clipboard.

Can it handle multiline text?

Yes, you can input multiline text. During processing, the specified characters will be added before and after each line of text.

How to merge multiline text into a single line?

After the processed text is displayed in the right text box, click the "Convert to One Line" button to merge multiline text into a single line.

How is privacy and security ensured?

We respect user privacy, and we do not store any of your data.


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